Grayson County CAD Wildlife Tax Valuation Request

Grayson County CAD Request

Landowner: I saw your web page and interested in finding out more.
My county, Grayson County, seems to be requiring me to provide, as they state, “a formal recommendation from a regulatory wildlife biologist” and provide signature at the end of the 1-d-1 form from the wildlife consultant preparing the plan. Are you considered a “regulatory wildlife biologist?” and can you provide the formal recommendation.

I assume it is included in the management plan that you provide and provide signature on the filled in 1-d-1? I have about 35 acres in Grayson County that was recently purchased (late last year) and has been agriculture exempt for many years.

Grayson County Wildlife Exemption

The property has 5 acres that are currently in hay production, which I plan to continue baling. Another 2 acres are residential use and the rest is thickly wooded with a small creek, small pond, and fenced all around the perimeter, using a combination barbed wire and field fence. I believe the wooded areas were grazed at one time, but I want to use them for habitat for deer and other wildlife. I am planning to meet with the tax appraiser next week and would like to find out if you can provide their requested items in time for me to submit the 1-d-1 by April 30. Thanks.

Wildlife Management Use in Grayson County A county appraisal district (CAD), including the Grayson County CAD, can request a “formal recommendation from a regulatory biologist,” but it’s not legally required in Texas. Based on the wildlife management use rules for maintaining an ag tax valuation, even a landowner has the right to prepare and submit a management plan themselves, although admittedly this is more than most property owners are willing to undertake.

So, the Grayson County Appraisal District can ask for the “recommendation,” but they can not legally deny your plan if you do not submit one with your management plan, if the management plan meets all requirements and your application is in order.

Furthermore, all regulatory biologists work for state or federal agencies, i.e. regulatory biologist make hunting, fishing and environmental regulations. In short, the Grayson County CAD wants you to contact Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) so that you can get a statement/letter from them stating that the management practices that you implement on your property are sound.

In Texas, a property owner is not required to specifically contact a state or federal regulatory wildlife biologist prior to developing a wildlife exemption management plan. The appraisal districts is requesting that you take an unnecessary step.

Texas Wildlife Exemption

We develop management plans for the wildlife management use valuation for private  property owners throughout Texas. We charge what I believe is the lowest rate for customized wildlife management plans that will allow a property to qualify for wildlife use and maintain the ag valuation tax rate.

Texas Wildlife Exemption

We provide the most economical wildlife exemption plans in Texas, but it is important to note that we do not represent property owners to the appraisal district, nor do we file your plan for you. Other companies will charge you for these services, but we provide our customers with filing instructions.

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